
Showing posts from May, 2014

Senior Art Humour Project

Sometimes artists get an opportunity to express their views visually in comical or humorous art. That is why we chose to do a humour project in senior art this past winter. The requirements for this assignment asked students to create a piece of art that could change the way someone viewing it would feel. When a passerby can stop and view a piece of art and walk away chuckling, we know that the piece has lifted someones spirits, even if only momentarily. Please take a look at the images below which are currently on display in the library at K.C.I
CLAY!! So KCI is very proud to announce that the kiln has been repaired to it's former glory and students have been busy experimenting and creating one of a kind clay art works. Clay instruction began with the senior art classes and is now being taught to both of the grade 9 classes. So far the students seem to really enjoy this new art making process. Since the kiln has not been operational in roughly 20 years, most of these students have never tried this medium before. That being said, I too am learning a whole new skill set in regards to instruction and procedure. The clay we are using is Plainsmen white clay which is actually from the Prairie region. The reason we are not using red clay is so that students do not ruin their clothing. The white clay is easily removed from clothing and will not leave permanent stains. Please take a look at some of our first pieces below.  The first few images show the stages of the bisque firing, which is what turns the clay into a porcel...