
Showing posts from November, 2014

Senior Art Paper Mache Project

Senior Art  Papier Mache’   Open a microsoft word document and copy and paste the following assignment. Answer the questions based on your research. Once complete, attach your "inspiration" pictures and print out your assignment. Please bring it to class on Tuesday :)   1.  What does the term Papier-mâché mean? 2.       2.   Find some history about the use of papier-mache. (Hint – What was it used for? Where was it used…why?) 3.        3.  Record a recipe for papier-mache glue or paste. 4.        4.  Do some research regarding the different techniques you can use and list them below. (Example – everyone knows that you can use a balloon to create a round shape with the papier mache, but what else can you do?) 5.        Research an artist who uses papier-mache as their art medium. If you can find an image of the work...

Grade 5 Pop Art Portraits

The Grade 5 artists have been learning all about pop art and how popular culture influences not only our daily lives, but contemporary artwork as well. Students have just begun a pop art self-portrait. We start by taking a picture of each student and then tracing just the outline or contour of their facial features on to our good copy paper. Students will then use an old optical illusion called Benday dots to fill in their face. Pulp   comic books   of the 1950s and 1960s used Ben-Day dots in the four process colors ( cyan, magenta, yellow and black ) to inexpensively create   shading   and secondary colors   such as green, purple, orange and flesh tones . Below is an example of what we will be creating. This will be their first painting project of the year. Stay tuned for updates of their work in progress Stay tuned for updates of their work in progress