
Showing posts from 2014

Senior Art Paper Mache Project

Senior Art  Papier Mache’   Open a microsoft word document and copy and paste the following assignment. Answer the questions based on your research. Once complete, attach your "inspiration" pictures and print out your assignment. Please bring it to class on Tuesday :)   1.  What does the term Papier-mâché mean? 2.       2.   Find some history about the use of papier-mache. (Hint – What was it used for? Where was it used…why?) 3.        3.  Record a recipe for papier-mache glue or paste. 4.        4.  Do some research regarding the different techniques you can use and list them below. (Example – everyone knows that you can use a balloon to create a round shape with the papier mache, but what else can you do?) 5.        Research an artist who uses papier-mache as their art medium. If you can find an image of the work...

Grade 5 Pop Art Portraits

The Grade 5 artists have been learning all about pop art and how popular culture influences not only our daily lives, but contemporary artwork as well. Students have just begun a pop art self-portrait. We start by taking a picture of each student and then tracing just the outline or contour of their facial features on to our good copy paper. Students will then use an old optical illusion called Benday dots to fill in their face. Pulp   comic books   of the 1950s and 1960s used Ben-Day dots in the four process colors ( cyan, magenta, yellow and black ) to inexpensively create   shading   and secondary colors   such as green, purple, orange and flesh tones . Below is an example of what we will be creating. This will be their first painting project of the year. Stay tuned for updates of their work in progress Stay tuned for updates of their work in progress

Senior Art - CLAY


Grade 7 - PLACE

The conceptual focus for the grade 7 art curriculum is PLACE. To begin, students looked at landscapes and focused their first art works on the concept of "warm" and "cool" colour combinations. These drawings were done in oil pastels and are really quite vivid and well executed. Please take a look below at some of the student examples.

Drawing with Words - Student Examples


Portfolio Design - Grades 5 - 12

Portfolio Design This year we decided to make portfolios again as it is a great way to store and manage in progress art works. The portfolio design itself was viewed as the first assignment of the year and all students, grades 5 - 12 made one.  The criteria included:  1. Name is designed in BLOCK or Bubble letters 2. Design must include pattern 3. Design must include signs or symbols that represent the creator 4. And lastly, the design must include colour... It was a very open and freeing project to start off the year. See some of the in progress and finished designs below:
Senior Art  Drawing with words  Our current project Students are hard at work with the concept of drawing with words. The lesson plan has been posted below with examples for reference. Stay tuned to see the student work next week! Process: 1. Select a picture that creates a feeling of emotion in you when you view it. The stronger you feel about the subject matter or theme, the better. If the picture is not black and white, a black and white copy should be made. In this stage, you will work on your thumbnail sketch. You may crop, enlarge, reduce, add details, leave out some details, create a composite thumbnail of several images, etc. 2, Experiment with creating value with words in your sketch. 3) Complete a light line drawing of the picture. Be as accurate as possible. 4) Using a thesaurus, compile a list of at least ten words that describe the feelings or emotions of the image. 5) Beginning with the darkest areas first, start laying in your wo...
Senior Art DOODLE As promised, please take a look at some of our completed and still in progress DOODLE project. The students are proud of these pieces and really seemed to enjoy the process. (And I think they may have even remembered more of my art chatter because they were actively doodling, not daydreaming) 
Senior Art - Assignment 1 - Using doodling to give depth and dimension to hand drawn silhouettes  Did you know that doodling is good for you? Have you ever sat through a meeting or lecture and noticed another participant who incessantly doodles throughout the duration of the meeting? Have you ever thought that that person is not paying to attention or giving the speaker due respect? They obviously don't care what is being said, right? WRONG. Studies show that when doodling, the brain exerts very little extra energy. The same cannot be said about day dreaming, which actual uses more processing power which results in the inability to pay attention. When tested in clinical studies, those who doodled while listening to a boring speech actually recalled more details from the speech than those who didn't. So, what better way to start the semester with Senior Art?! We are going to be doodling, and using our doodles as methods to show value, shape and form. Students will be free h...
                                And greetings to the newest members of our Spartan family, the grade 5's!! The art room is looking awfully bare right now so I am looking forward to having all students grades 5 - 12 come in and make some of the magnificent art work I know they are capable of.  Materials: All students enrolled in art are expected to have a sketchbook and pencils and erasers. In art class, the sketchbook is used for rough drafts, ideas, designs and thoughts. Without one, it may be difficult to practice theory and keep track of teacher hand outs.  Below is the school wide Behaviour Matrix. Please go over this with your child so they are aware of the expectations of all students. KCI Behaviour Matrix Code of Conduct Expectations S how pride and spirit! ·          Be a willi...

Senior Art Humour Project

Sometimes artists get an opportunity to express their views visually in comical or humorous art. That is why we chose to do a humour project in senior art this past winter. The requirements for this assignment asked students to create a piece of art that could change the way someone viewing it would feel. When a passerby can stop and view a piece of art and walk away chuckling, we know that the piece has lifted someones spirits, even if only momentarily. Please take a look at the images below which are currently on display in the library at K.C.I