Senior Art - Assignment 1 - Using doodling to give depth and dimension to hand drawn silhouettes 

Did you know that doodling is good for you? Have you ever sat through a meeting or lecture and noticed another participant who incessantly doodles throughout the duration of the meeting? Have you ever thought that that person is not paying to attention or giving the speaker due respect? They obviously don't care what is being said, right? WRONG. Studies show that when doodling, the brain exerts very little extra energy. The same cannot be said about day dreaming, which actual uses more processing power which results in the inability to pay attention.
When tested in clinical studies, those who doodled while listening to a boring speech actually recalled more details from the speech than those who didn't.

So, what better way to start the semester with Senior Art?! We are going to be doodling, and using our doodles as methods to show value, shape and form. Students will be free hand drawing silhouettes (outlines) of a person, place or thing. They will then use their practised doodling skills to fill in these these forms to create original art works that have a sense of dimension and depth.

Below you will find examples of the project which have been created by professional artists. Our Spartan artists will begin this assignment this Monday, Sept. 8, so stay tuned for their masterpieces!

Want to know more about recent research on doodling? Click here to read the full article from TIME magazine,8599,1882127,00.html


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