Art 7

Grade 7 Art is all about "Place"

Throughout the course of the year, we will look at and discuss the power of place and it's impact on art and artists.

To start things off we talked about landscapes, both realistic and abstract. Students were asked to think of their favorite place - to look for connections to the land.

  • To begin they created a depiction of that place in a realistic manner (everything in it's logical and reasonable place)
  • Then students took that drawing and borrowed from it to make an abstract version. These could include elements from the original such as line, shape, colour but they did not have to make sense or have particular reason.

Our second assignment is inspired by Saskatchewan artist Joe Fafard. We watched a video to learn more about his artistic process and began sketching our ideas for the plaster forms we would be creating. 

  • Students were encouraged to think of activities, people or places that have meaning to them. So far we have fantastic sculptures in the works ranging anywhere from trees to birds to gymnasts and lighthouses. 

Check out the great sculptures in the Library Gallery!!!


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