Grade 6 Group Identity Inquiry
Art and Identity Website - Objective To provide students with opportunities to explore how artists have expressed identity through their work, to look at ways identity is expressed in our culture, and to allow students to reflect on how their own identity can be expressed. Each group will be responsible for researching one of the following artists: 1. Chuck Close 2. James Ensor 3. Frank Gehry 4. Robert Gwathmey 5. Marsden Hartley 6. PepĆ³n Osorio 7. James Rosenquist 8. Ernest Whiteman Your group will be responsible for creating a biography, power point presentation and reflective art work on your given artist. It must meet all of the following requirements. #1 – A biography of the artist (see below) #2 – A powerpoint with: · Title page including theName of the artist and all of your group members · ...
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